Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Big Boy Beds

Well, the inevitable time came for us to move the boys out of their cribs and into toddler beds. They are so tall that they're able to climb out and we felt it was only a matter of time before someone did a "header" off the top rail. So....we got them really cute Little Tikes blue race car toddler beds (that fit their mattresses) and I redecorated their room in a car & truck theme. We really wanted to make a big deal about their "big boy beds" and "big boy bedroom". They LOVED it and we spent a lot of time playing in their room on Sunday before the first sleep in the new beds.

Jason and I were prepared for a long night of "get back into your beds", "it's not playtime", etc., etc. So we put them to bed at their normal bedtime (about 7:45) and I sat outside their door to listen for the inevitable. John cried for about 5 minutes and I went in to check on them to find Ethan sitting on John's bed patting his head (it's ok brother, it's ok). Too cute...but I put Ethan back into his bed and kissed them both night-night again. Twice more (after 5 minute intervals) I went in to check on them and put Ethan back in his bed (he was like a deer in the headlights when he saw me and went running like the wind back into his bed :)). After only 15 minutes and three "get back in your beds", they were both asleep and slept until 7:30 the next morning (their usual). That was Sunday night and since then they've been sleeping in their beds (naps and overnight) perfectly...no problems at all (which is basically a miracle).

Today, after putting them down for their naps, our nanny checked on them to find this:

...sleeping together. Made me cry I wasn't there to see it. How cute is that?????? Our baby boys are growing up (insert Mommy bawling her eyes out)!


Laura said...

Aww, how sweet is that?

Unknown said...

OMGosh Shelley, that picture made ME well up. That is the sweetest thing, EVER!

Kerry Sumpter Smith said...

They are going to be such good friends!

The Wood Family said...

OMG Shelley! That is just too adorable :) Makes my heart melt. SO so cute.

Melissa said...

sweet :) Alex and Nicky would never sleep with each other as infants, but as soon as we moved them out of their cribs into toddler beds we have found them together. They always would end up on the floor with each other so we had to put a futon cushion between their beds.

Tamara said...

I LOVE it! You're so lucky, they got down after only one night? Wow! Unbelieveable!