Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And the Worst Mother of the Year Award Goes to...

Yours truly! Over the weekend while my sister and friend Chaney were visiting us, we got teriaki for dinner. I always save the packets of sweet & sour sauce because the boys love it. Tonight I made chicken, rice and veggies for dinner and Ethan asked for "dips" I grabbed a packet of sweet & sour sauce from the drawer and put some on his plate. He then dipped a piece of chicken in it and took a big bite. A few seconds later he started screaming, spitting the food out of his mouth and saying ouchie. For a split second, we didn't know what was wrong...then I grabbed the sweet & sour packet only to discover that it wasn't sweet & sour was spicy hot chili oil...OMG (crap!!!!)...I gave him his milk and he drank all of it down. Another glass of milk followed by a few bites of banana seemed to do the trick and he was fine after that. I felt soooooooo bad! The packet was orange and looked just like the sweet & sour...I didn't even know they give you spicy hot chili oil. Jason's only response was "I'm glad that you did that and not me because you would have been so mad at me :)". I think this move definitely puts me out of the running for mother of the year!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a good story! I don't think he will look at sweet and sour sauce the same.

I don't think you are a bad mother. There are a lot worse things... like the article about the parent forcing the toddler to smoke pot. That one still ticks me off. I think you are a great Mom!