Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter & Easter Bunny Discussions with John

Mommy: What does the Easter Bunny bring on Easter?
John: Candy!

Mommy: He also brings chocolate...
John: Mmmm...that would be good (mommy chuckles)

Mommy: How big do you think the Easter Bunny is?
John: (glances from side to side, thinks a few moments, then)... that a good question momma

We had a great weekend. We visited the Seattle Aquarium on Saturday, rode the carousel and had fish and chips for lunch on the waterfront. On Sunday, the kids were thrilled with their easter baskets, I cooked a yummy brunch (if I do say so myself) and we had dinner at Jason's mom's house. Daddy took lots of good pics, so those will be posted soon. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

1 comment:

Geoff said...

Sorry we missed you guys!!!