Thursday, February 11, 2010

Goofy Goofs

The boys (as per usual) have been saying some funny things lately. They both like to boss each other around too (especially John). Here is some of our/their chats lately:

Getting ready in the morning:
Mommy: "Ethan, come and put your shoes on"
Ethan: "I don't want to"
John: "Ethan, go put your shoes on.'re going to you're room"

During Superbowl:
Announcer on TV: something like "Tackle by #45"
John: "Mommy, why do they tickle each other"
Mommy: "Not tickle, honey, tackle"
John: "Oh"

In the car:
John: "Stupid, stupid, stupid"
Mommy: "John, we don't say that word"
Ethan: "John...say you're sorry"
John: "SORRY!!!!" (yelled)
Ethan: "Say you're sorry this 'mommy, i'm sorry' (very sweetly)"
John: "mommy, i'm sorry (nicely)
Ethan: "ok then"

Ethan: "Daddy, can I have a yummy gummy?"
Daddy: "A what?"
Ethan: "Yuuuuummmmyyyy gummmmmmmeeeeee"
Daddy: "huh?"
Ethan: goes to pantry and points out what has is usually referred to as a fruit snack "see, a yummy gummy"
Daddy: "sure."

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