Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mickey Mouse Rooms

Last week I was home with the boys after their Tonsillectomies and Adnoidectomies. Overall, they've done really well. This surgery, however, is no joke. It's general anesthesia, a lot of pain and a minimum full 10 days of recovery before they're back to eating more solid foods. As far as handling the pain, our boys, true to form, have been complete opposites. John has been lovey, clingy...generally attached to us at the hip. Ethan has just been mad....he's made many "mean doctor", "stupid medicine" type statements, which he gets in trouble for (not using nice words), but apparently the consequences have been worth the outbursts of anger.

We have had a lot of family fun though staying at home spending time together. We've read TONS of books, worked on our numbers and letters flashcards and watched lots of movies (doctor's orders were to keep them "down" and mostly indoors for the first week after the surgery).

We also decided this week to redecorate the boys' room in a Mickey Mouse theme. They LOVE Mickey Mouse...they watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every morning, had a Mickey themed birthday party, etc. For their birthday, our very good family friends Chaney and Logan Klespitz and Jim and Vicki Morgan, brought them back all kinds of wonderful things from their recent trip to Disneyland including Mickey figurines, picture frames, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. We have used these items to decorate their new room along with the blankets I made them (Mickey tie blankets) and the wall hangings below that I painted myself.

They love their new room...I think they're like their Momma and enjoy a change of scenery once in a while.

We are all getting very excited for the start of Montessori school on August 31. They will be going 5 days per week from 8:30 until 3:00...they'll even get to wear adorable school uniforms.

We're trying to fit in a little visit to the ocean before school starts....maybe a weekend trip to Ocean Shores....trying to work out the details.

Hope everyone's having a great summer!

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