Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

This Saturday, Daddy (aka Jason) turned the big 35! We celebrated by taking a trip to the family cabins in Leavenworth. We were so happy to see cousins, Tina & Ryan, Isabel and baby Peyton. Most of Jason's side of the family was all there and we got a few pictures (not surprisingly, most of them are of the all the kiddos. We were blessed with nice hot weather and the kids had a great time splashing in the kid pools and playing in the river!

Happy birthday don't look a day over 29 :). We love you very much and hope you enjoyed your birthday (especially the Raspberry Pie that I made whose filling resembled raspberry jam instead :)).

Here is John taking baby cousin Peyton under his wing (learn the ways grasshopper)...

John petting the dogs...

Nanna, Ethan & John....and Ryan and Peyton...

Aunt Jaime (Mayme) and Isabel...

Uncle Brad and Ethan just hanging out...

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday! Frank's is tomorrow :)

Looks like you had a great time!