Thursday, July 31, 2008

Toddler Chatter

The boys have been chatting up a storm lately and repeating everything (yes, everything) they hear. They also have been doing lots of singing (Ethan spent 45 minutes last night singing to himself in bed before finally drifting off to sleep and John is VERY into humming and doing all the hand motions for "I'm a little teapot" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". Some of the favorite sayings lately are:

"Me do"
"You do"
"No John" (umm....apparently we say this one a lot)
"More please" (pronounced "moooooor peas")
"More juice please"
"Baby Pooper" (cousin Cooper is coming for a visit, and they can't say their c's)
"Big Boy Potty" (they are starting to get the hand of this potty training business)
"All Done" (pronounced "ahhhhh dun")

Also, the other day John lifted up my shirt, poked me in the belly and said "baby". Ouch! I have NO IDEA where he learned this (and NO, I'm not pregnant)...I said, no baby...just mama's big belly (lovely, huh?).

Daddy's been gone all week in Great Falls, Montana, working, so we're all very excited that he'll be home tonight! The boys have been asking "daddy go?" all week long. We're looking forward to a fun, family weekend!

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