Saturday, October 4, 2008

Binky Free!!!!

The boys reached a big (and long overdue) milestone this week....we gave up the binkies!!! We arranged a "ceremony" at school whereby Mommy gathered up all binkies, divided them into 2 ziploc baggies and tied them up with ribbon. On Friday morning at daycare, we knocked on the door of the infant room and the boys ceremoniously gave their binkies to the babies. Jason and I are so proud of them! To celebrate them being such big boys, I took the boys to pick out special, big boy stuffed animals to sleep with. Ethan picked a doggy and John picked a gorilla (monkey). Since we bought them, the boys have slept with their animals and even given them rides on their tricycles (see below)...

John's monkey is between the handlebars in front:

Ethan's doggy is on the back between the rear wheels:


Geoff said...

They're getting huge!!! Hope to see you guys again soon!

Tamara said...

That's great! How has the transition to no binky at nightime been?