Friday, October 31, 2008


This week, I got the shocking news of the passing of my former mentor and current friend, Frank Ault. Frank hired me and was one of my two mentors for five years at RSM McGladrey. He joined my partner and I at our firm and later decided to work out of his home. We always joked that Frank had been "three to five years from retirement" for the past 10 years.

My single most embarassing professional moment happened in Frank's presence as I gracefully tripped while trying to board an elevator, dropped my briefcase and paperwork, and nearly headbutted the back of the elevator wall. This was all in front of a new client. I will never forget the roll of Frank's eyes and how hard he laughed once we were in the car heading back to the office. He loved to tell that story and it always made us both laugh.

Frank had a great sense of humor, was fiercely loyal and was instrumental in my career. He encouraged me when I needed it, knocked me down a peg when I deserved it, and gave me a hard time whenever he could (which was typically every time we spoke or saw each other). He was gruff and endearing all at the same time. I am better for knowing Frank and will truly miss him.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Sorry to hear about your friend Shell. Sounds like you will have a ton of great memories about Frank to look back fondly on. Big hugs.