Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Eve

The Drury family has been busy, busy, busy over the past 2 weeks. My sister, Holly, her hubby Alex and their son Cooper (our adorable nephew) came home on Friday Dec 19th, just missing the huge airport delays and arriving just a few hours after schedule. We had lots of fun visits with them over the course of the 10 or so days they were here.

The day or two before Christmas, we all spent the day at my parent's house playing in the snow with the kids, sledding, etc. A good time was had by all!

Before we knew it, Christmas was upon us and we spent Christmas Eve at Shelley's parent's house celebrating. All the kids had so much fun, especially when Santa (otherwise known as Grandpa in disguise) made a surprise appearance, handing out candy canes and presents to all three of the boys (John, Ethan and Cooper). John and Ethan loved Santa, but Cooper was a different story...let's just say that Santa was not his favorite thing about Christmas this year. At one point during the evening, John leaned over to my mom and said "Grandma...I like (yike) Santa". My mom got a good giggle over that. Here are some pictures of Santa:

Sitting with Grandma as Santa ho, ho, ho'd his way into the living room (everyone looking a little uneasy):
Ethan was first and immediately went right over to Santa and climbed up on his lab. He studied Santa's face for the first few minutes as if he was thinking "you really look familiar to me", but he didn't figure it out this year that it was Grandpa. When Santa asked Ethan what he wanted for Christmas he said "I want that" and pointed to the candy canes in Santa's hand.

John was next and was a little nervous at first, so I (mommy) had to take him over to Santa and set him on his lap. Once he saw the candy canes he was sold on Santa and happily sat there (also curiously staring at Santa once in a while):

Cooper's turn was last and this picture pretty much sums it all up:

Here are some other fun family pictures from Christmas Eve:
UsHolly, Alex & Cooper
(from left to right - John, Grandpa, Ethan, Grandma, Cooper)

Erik, Aunt Debbie, Jessica & Uncle Mitch

Christmas Eve was a ton of fun!

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