Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our 8th Anniversary!

This year (September 15th), Jason and I celebrated 8 years of marriage. It's not all been "wedded bliss", but throughout all the good, bad, happy, sad, births, deaths, jobs, moves, ups and remains. Jason...I thank you for 10 wonderful years together and 8 years of marriage...I thank you for giving me two beautiful children...I thank you for taking care of me when I'm sick...I thank you for putting up with my Twilight obsession...I thank you for being my partner in parenting and discipline and life...I thank you for being a playful, loving father...I thank you for reminding me about the important things in life and not to sweat the small stuff...I thank you for loving me unconditionally...I thank you for doing laundry without being asked.
I love you...always have, always will.

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