Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Trip to the Dentist

The boys had their first "official" trip to the children's dentist this week for a cleaning, checkup and x-rays. Jason and I were both able to be there, which we think helped them feel a little more comfortable having mommy and daddy nearby.
The report is a mixed bag. On a positive note, the dentist said their brushing is plaque on any exposed parts of their teeth. John had no cavities and has "perfect" teeth. Poor Ethan, on the other hand, has molars that are very close is impossible to reach in between those teeth with a toothbrush. Consequently, Ethan had 3 cavities (p.s. I feel like the worst mother in the world). I have NEVER had a cavity and we've always tried really hard to brush their teeth well, so we feel so bad that he has cavities that have to be filled. We've been informed that Ethan's teeth will require daily flossing from now on since they are so close together and he has an appt in about 2 weeks to get fillings.
They were SOOOOO crying, clinging to our legs or anything of the sort. Here are some pictures of our big, brave boys:
John wasn't so sure about getting the x-rays and wearing the protective apron:

Ethan was happy as a clam (obviously):

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