Saturday, January 2, 2010

Boys First Time Skiing

We took the boys up to my parent's cabin in Packwood on the 27th and 28th to take them skiing for the first time. After getting them all bundled up, they were very excited to give go "stiing". We didn't quite know what to expect, but they both did great. By the end of the first day, the boys were able to ride the "magic carpet" up the small hill by themselves and get off the magic carpet by themselves. One of us would get help get them turned around at the top of the hill and another of us would "catch" them at the bottom of the hill. John even started to learn to turn on his own. Ethan had so much fun that he threw a kicking, screaming fit when it was time to leave. We went up the next day for a couple of runs, but it was much colder and the second day was a short one. Daddy took a lot of great pictures and video. Here are some pictures of that fun day.

Some pictures of Mommy and John...

Grandpa and Ethan riding up the "magic carpet"...

Mommy and John again...

Grandma "catching" John at the bottom of the hill...

Grandpa trying to get Ethan balanced on his skis...

Grandma and Ethan...


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