Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sleep Walking, Talking Tattler

Our Dearest Ethan,

You are officially a sleep walker and talker (just like your parents were as children). Mommy used to sleep walk amost every night (ask Grandma and Grandpa someday to tell you the stories). Daddy still talks in his sleep with some frequency (one instance that comes to mind is daddy sitting straight up in bed and yelling "I shot the river!!!!"). You, our sweet boy, walk in your sleep (usually into mommy and daddy's bed if you can get away with it). Tonight, you were tattling in your sleep. While I (mommy) was rubbing your back and trying to settle you back to sleep, you very sleepily mumbled "John hit me...that naughty". This was followed by a minute or two of one and off jibber jabber and finally "I need crackers". After that statement, you settled into a restful sleep. I hope you always have happy dreams our sweet Ethan.

Mommy and Daddy

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