Friday, October 8, 2010

1st Month of School

As I've posted before, the boys started all-day Montessori school in September. Overall, it's gone very, very well. They love their teacher (Mrs. Renggli) and teacher's aide (Mrs. Joyce) and have been learning so many new things. They are learnings about personal space, writing their letters, taking turns, sharing, show and tell with different letters of the alphabet each week, doing lots of art projects, some age-appropriate general teachings about God and Faith, etc.

We had one minor issue this week of the boys "coloring on other childrens' papers". They, along with another boy, were put in the "think about it chair" for a time out. We talked about it at home and they apologized to their teachers and classmates. Ethan also had a minor incident when another boy was "mean to him"....he pinched his arm. Ethan was put in the "think about it chair" (same day as the coloring incident). We made him color the boy a special picture and we helped him write an "I'm sorry" note to him....hopefully by addressing these issues right away and making them follow-through with apologies, it will nip it in the bud.

Other than the minor behavior issues, their teachers tell us they are bright, kind, loving children that are attentive, anxious to learn and are well-mannered. We are looking forward to parent/teacher conferences on October 21st to hear more about each of their strengths. Below are photos of the boys' first ASB cards....too cute! Love Saint Patricks School!

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