Saturday, October 16, 2010


As is probably true of a lot of working wives and moms, I am sometimes so frustrated by the "mommy guilt"...the constant feeling of being stretched so thin, doing so many things, that I'm not doing good enough at anything. I have a constant feeling of guilt...that I'm a working Mom with a stressful job...I hope and pray that I don't bring home the stressors of my career to my family, but I know that I do.

My guilt has subsided somewhat now that the boys are in all-day school and I know I am VERY lucky that I have the ability to take our boys to school every day at 8:30, work only while they are in school (with only a few exceptions), and be there to pick them up every day when they get out of school at 3:00. I know not all moms are that lucky. I also, however, am sooooooo incredibly jealous of moms that have the ability to stay home with their kids. Due to financial constraints and the fluctuations with the economy and construction industry (which majorly impact Jason's job opportunities) I just have never had the option of staying home.

I just want to be the best wife and mother possible but always feel like I need to do better. Why do we (as women) put so much stress and guilt on ourselves? I know that nobody is harder on me than myself.

I just hope and pray that we're doing the best by our children and can make quality time for our marriage at the same's hard to do. I thank god for the blessings in my life...I have a husband who adores me and who is the love of my life (but who also can make me crazy at times :)) and the two best sons in the whole wide world. Have to force myself to focus on that in my times of self doubt.

1 comment:

Olson Clan said...

I truly believe that all us mommies wake up every morning with the best of intentions and then do the best that we can and our children will thank us.
As with most things the grass looks greener on the other side. Having always been a stay at home mom I can attest that it is not immune from mommy guilt either.
hang in there and remember that you are loved by your hubby and sweet boys not because of what you aren't but because of who you are :)