Monday, November 1, 2010

Need for Help

I, thanks to my cousin Michal, follow a blog called Momastery....the woman that writes this blog, Glennon, is simply amazing. She wrote an article last week about bullying that grabbed my heart and squeezed. Her PROFOUND call for love and acceptance (not just tolerance) of others was inspiring and such a good example for everyone, in this Mommy's humble opinion. Her love for her son is unending and unconditional and that's the kind of Mom I am too. Her blog post entitled "A Mountain I'm Willing to Die On" is just about the best thing I've ever read in my life....EVER. This world would be a much kinder and more loving place if there were more people like this woman and I vow to strive every day to make sure to teach my kids lessons of love, acceptance, celebration of our differences...the best way to "teach" this, as Glennon writes, is to live the example. Our children are our the example.

Following is a link to her blog...

This morning, when I checked her blog, I was brought to tears about a guest post about a friend who's 22 month old baby daughter, Evy, has an aggressive form of brain cancer called AT/RT. I cannot imagine what this family must be going through. They are complete strangers to me, but will be included in my prayers and if there is any way I can help, I'm going to. They have set up a donation link to make monetary donations and they also have contact information if you would like to donate something for a "silent auction" fundraiser they are having this month. To donate or read more about Evy and her family, following is a link to their facebook page...

I am so inspired by Glennon and her passion for her family, her friends, God and every human being. We should all be doing our part, like Glennon, to make this world a more loving and accepting place.


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