Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Young Love

Well, it seems that this whole "young love" thing starts really, really early (especially for girls). Apparently, there are several girls in the boys' Montessori class at school (all 4 and 5 year olds) that say they "love" one of the boys and that they are going to marry them.

It turns out, Sascha, one of John's friends at school, has proclaimed her love for him and announced at circle time that she is going to marry John. Of course, Ethan has decided to tease John in the annoying "John's got a girlfriend, John's got a girlfriend...neener neener neener" type tone. I asked John what she says and he told me "she tells me she loves me all the time - I like her Mom and she's my friend, but she says we have to get married". I explained to him that he's 4 and doesn't need to be worrying about getting married...it's ok to just be her friend. Curiously, I asked him "what do you say when she tells you she loves you" and he said "NOTHING....I say nothing".

Yesterday on the drive home from school, John asked me if I would help him made a mermaid when we get home. He then said "Sascha loves mermaids...she'd really love it". How could I turn down my boy? So, I drew out a mermaid and cut it out. He colored it and then put it in an envelope....I helped him write her name on it and he wrote "from John". This morning at school he was so excited to give it to her and I only wish I had my camera (or better yet my video camera to capture Sascha's reaction). She absolutely GUSHED and said "oh Johnny....thank you"...then she hugged him and began to show the mermaid to EVERYONE and refused to put it in her cubby because she wanted to carry it with her all day.

Obviously it's harmless and very innocent, but am I crazy, or is 4 YEARS OLD a little young for this?!?

John - our little Romeo....

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