Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Sometimes your kids just say something that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and feel like we must be doing something right. The other day in the car, John said something about the long car drive to Chelan that is coming up this weekend....asking questions about Chelan, what's there, etc (we're spending a few days there vacationing with my parents). Then, out of nowhere, my sweet Ethan said...and I quote "Johnny - places don't's the people that matter most...the people we love like Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa". John then said, "yeah".

Brought a tear to my eye and made me so proud of our soon-to-be 5 year olds. Melts a mommy's heart!


Karie said...

How sweet! I sometimes have to stop & shake my head at what my 6yr old says, sounds like we both have "old souls". Make sure you write that one in the baby book! They grow so fast!

Laura said...

You are raising beautiful boys by setting a beautiful example!
Love you!